(English) Teams

(English) Chan Narin

(English) Head of Program

(English) Chan Narin

(English) Head of Program

(English) Oum Vongnarith

(English) Head of Operations

(English) Oum Vongnarith

(English) Head of Operations

(English) Oum spent 10 years as head of operations with ChildFund Cambodia overseeing the operations including Administration and Procurement, Finance, Human Resources, Partnership, Communications and IT. Having begun his work life as a Development Worker, Oum’s commitment to working with communities, especially young people led to his first local post with a Foreign NGO, Church World Services (CWS), in Kampong Thom project. Oum now has nearly three decades of experiences in providing support to the implementation of development programs and personnel in the field office and has completed his Masters Degree in Development Management.

(English) Chhun Sona

(English) Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager

(English) Chhun Sona

(English) Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager

(English) Long Phearun

(English) Svay Rieng and Prey Veng Provincial Manager

(English) Long Phearun

(English) Svay Rieng and Prey Veng Provincial Manager

(English) Thung Ly A

(English) Battambang Provincial Manager

(English) Thung Ly A

(English) Battambang Provincial Manager

(English) Hun Boramey

(English) Country Director

(English) Hun Boramey

(English) Country Director